Vance Breeze (Harley Davidson) 1982 Classic TTAmerican Vance Breeze takes his Harley Davidson round Quarter Bridge in the 1982 Classic TT
Richard Fitzsimmons (RAF Suzuki) John Goodall (Matchless) Paul Barrett (Harley Davidson) 1983 Classic Manx Grand PrixRichard Fitzsimmons (RAF Suzuki) John Goodall (Matchless) Paul Barrett (Harley Davidson) in the winners enclosure, 1983 Classic Manx Grand Prix
Alan Cathcart Harley Davidson 1978 Formula Three TTAlan Cathcart (Harley Davidson) at Ramsey, 1978 Formula Three TT
Paul Barrett (Harley Davidson) 1983 Senior Classic Manx Grand Prix
John Hammond (Harley Davidson) 1978 Formula Three TT
Brian Hussey (Harley Davidson) 1975 Lightweight TTBrian Hussey (Harley Davidson) at Ramsey, in practice for the 1975 Lightweight TT
Richard Pouwels & Kim van Loon (Harley Davidson) 2009 Pre TT Classic
Mike Ross (Harley Davidson) 1982 Classic TTAmerican Mike Ross (Harley Davidson) at Quarter Bridge; 1982 Classic TT
Dave Hughes (Harley Davidson) 1975 Classic TT
Richard Pouwels & Kim van Loon-Pouwels (Harley Davidson) 2013 Pre TT Classic
Paul Barrett (Harley Davidson) 1983 Junior Classic Manx Grand PrixPaul Barrett (Harley Davidson) at Bray Hill, 1983 Junior Classic Manx Grand Prix
Mike Ross at Quarter Bridge; 1982 Classic TTNot a machine normally associated with TT racing; American Mike Ross takes his heavyweight Harley Davidson through Quarter Bridge in the 1982 Classic TT
Dave Madsen-Mygdal (Triumph) and Jarno Malinen (Harley Davidson) and James Ford (Ducati) 2012 Pre TT Classic
Jarno Malinen (Harley Davidson) 2012 Pre TT Classic